


The 阿斯托里亚港 was established in 1910. We are governed by the rules of the State of Oregon and an elected board of 委员 sets policy for management by the Executive Director.

The Port offers services to commercial and recreational boaters at its two marinas and boatyard, to commercial and cargo vessels, 鱼加工, 游轮, and research vessels at its deep-draft marine terminals, and operates the Astoria/Warrenton Regional E世博官网首页. The Port has industrial and commercial leasing opportunities on its properties at the E世博官网首页, Skipanon半岛, 以及滨水地点.



The future of Warrenton-Astoria Regional E世博官网首页

The 阿斯托里亚港 is updating our regional airport master plan. 让别人听到你的声音! Learn about what's in the plan and tell us what you think on our online open house.

Port Makes Progress on Major 项目

With the assistance of grant awards from Business Oregon and other local and federal agencies, the 阿斯托里亚港 continues to make progress on major projects, 包括P2戒毒所, 船坞扩张, AOC4清理, and the E世博官网首页 Industrial Park.

时事通讯- 2023年夏季

Read the summer issue of our bi-annual newsletter for useful updates and information on Port operations.